In November, Dr. Wardynski created a firestorm when, without the permission of the board of education, he removed the name from the 'NEW' LHS with the intent of renaming LHS to satisfy parents of New Century High School students who were to be housed on the new campus. These 300 students were apparently seeking permanence and recognition.
According to board policy, ONLY the BOARD has the authority to approve a name change of a school facility. AND further, the superintendent/board is required to appoint a committee of citizens to meet and provide a recommendation to the superintendent who can then make a recommendation to the board based on this input. Dr. Wardynski violated this policy.
LHS graduates contacted Dr. Wardynski and all of the board members protesting the name change. To the board's credit, they informed the superintendent that he should return the LHS name to the new building and follow appropriate board policies. He complied with their recommendation.
Dr. Wardynski appointed a committee 20 citizens from a variety of interest groups. The committee has met TWO times for 1 1/2 hours each with a facilitator from within the system and has now made a recommendation to the superintendent. BY LAW, the board has the authority to either accept or reject a recommendation of a superintendent based on input of the community.
Presumably, the recommendation of the committee is to be discussed by the superintendent with the board at the January 5th board meeting. If the superintendent's intent to change the name of Lee High School concerns you, it will be imperative that you contact both Dr. Wardynski and the board members of your position on this important matter. I will keep you informed of the situation at this site.
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